Welcome back to Flourishing Heart! My heart is for you to step into all the fullness of life that God has given you! I believe that you were created for a purpose, and you were created to thrive. So over the next few weeks, I will be sharing some wonderful life lessons I have learned (at the ripe old at of 23), which I hope will help you to do life well. Some are practical, some are spiritual, some are emotional. These are just some top tips that I’m also learning and working on….take them or leave them, you do what works for you!
So I wanted to start off with my first life lesson: LOVELY LISTS. I don’t know if you find lists lovely or not, but at the start of this year, someone explained to me the importance of lists. Being the unorganised and scatterbrained person that I am, I decided to conquer this and try out my skills in list-making. Well, dear friend, I have never felt more on top of life! I’m sure if you’re an organised person you’ll have your personal favourite list app. Searching on the Apple app store, I stumbled across an app called, “To-Do”. This has literally saved my life.
So how do I do it?
I create lists for everything – groceries, college assignments, chores, things to buy, people to pay, problems to solve, things NOT TO DO, morning & evening routines, books to read, tasks for work and weekly/monthly/yearly goals (click here to read my post on goal setting and New Year resolutions). I am always so busy and my head is always in a million places at once. So whenever I think of something I need to do, I will quickly open To-Do and pop it in with a date I need it done by. I know that everything I need to do is in that list, so once it’s done I can rest peacefully, knowing that I’m on top of everything!
Did you know that people spend approx. 1 year of their lives looking for their car keys? We only have 24 hours in the day, and learning how to effectively time manage (ie creating lists), will help you to get the most out of your day. It will also help you to not feel overwhelmed or stressed about the number of things you need to do! We all have been given the same amount of time in the day – don’t waste it! Know what your priorities are – what’s important and what’s not, what’s urgent and what’s not! This frees up your brain and leaves space for you to think about more important things, to dream, to envision, to create and to make bigger decisions.
I know this is a little different to what I usually post, but I hope it helps you in some way to get a little more on top of life and to step into all that God has for you!
Tess XO